Annual tradition - All Hall of Famers meet at the marker
Annual tradition - All Hall of Famers meet at the marker
SD Achievement Award Winners Brandon Tennis Associtation
SD Achievement Award Winners Brandon Tennis Associtation
SD Achievement Award Winners Brandon Tennis Associtation
Chris Dummermuth introduces Inductee Karen Heege
Doug Smith with Achievement Award Winner Ed Hunstad
2010 Hall of Fame Inductees Mike Hoeger, Karen Heege, and Larry Cantine
Jay Lauer introduces friend and Hall of Fame Inductee Mike Hoeger
Jeff Kurtz of Milbank introduces Hall of Fame Inductee Larry Cantine
Karen Heege accepts her induction into the SD Tennis Hall of Fame
Larry Cantine accepts his Hall of Fame Induction
Inductee Larry Cantine with presenter Jeff Kurtz
Mary Thompson introduces Achievement Award winner Brandon Tennis Association
Fenn Cup champion Tony Larson (White Shirt, middle)
Inductee Mike Hoeger accepts his induction into the Hall of Fame
Inductee Mike Hoeger with presenter and friend Jay Lauer
Ceremony Sponsor Spezia (Rick Thompson) with Jamie Volin
Tennis Fans watch the Asfora SD Open
The site of the Induction Ceremony
Terry Nielsen, Sylvia Henkin, Jamie Volin
Tony Simons with Mary Thompson
Fenn Cup Champion Mary Clayton (2nd from left)